Nobody trusts the news anymore. Why should they? It's wrong. A lot.
That's why you should get your news here, from Noir.
I don't want you to trust me. I want you to heat up and inject the finest, uncut skepticism into your veins before you read my pieces. I want your eyebrows to furrow into angry question marks.
Too many journalists want the world to see them as sexy gallant knights worthy of having the impotent public's underwear tossed at them in admiration. They want to be the light that prevents democracy dying in darkness.
I don't know how to save a democracy. If the good Lord told me how to save a democracy, I don't think I could do it. Hell, I don't even know how to swim.
No journalist is the messiah, and I don't think they should try to be. I'm just another voice in a foggy sea of gray voices. Some people in the news business want to sell themselves as a ray of light shining out from the gray. But I want to sell to you that I'm a sloppy scuba diver. I dive deeper into the gray and I hear voices that get darker and darker and darker. Until I hear the sound of Noir.
Don't trust me. Just read me.